Sosuke Nakabo - INTERVIEW

プロダクトデザイナーの中坊壮介氏はこれまでインハウスや海外の事務所での勤務、自身のスタジオとしての活動、大学准教授など 幅広くデザイナーとして活躍してきました。 多様な立場を経験してきた中坊氏に、さまざまな視点でのデザインについて話を伺いました。


かなり小さな頃から、欲しいと思ったものを自分で作るということをやっていました。 これは今でも変わっていません。 すでにあるもののコピーから始め、そのうちに無いものを作る様になっていきました。
好きなデザイナーはたくさんいますが、とりわけJasper Morrisonには大きな影響を受けました。


大学でプロダクトデザインを学ばれており、卒業後は家電メーカーに勤められていますが、 生活用品や家電製品、インテリア製品、自動車など様々な業種があるプロダクトデザインの職種の中で、家電メーカーを選んだ理由はありますか。

クルマのデザインから、身の回りの様々なもののデザインに興味が広がり、就職を考える頃には、特定の分野に囚われず様々な製品に携わりたいと思う様になっていました。 家電メーカーだけでなく、ゲーム機器メーカー、デザイン会社、釣具・自転車部品メーカー(そうそう無いですが笑)などもトライして結果的に良い返事をもらったのが家電メーカーでした。


その後海外の大学に在学されておりますが、 学び直すきっかけとなった出来事やその当時の考えなどがあれば教えてください。

「CAR STYLING」という雑誌に、時期になるとアメリカのArt CenterやイギリスのRCAなどの卒業制作が紹介されるのを見て、そのレベルの高さに驚いたのを覚えています。
デザイン雑誌AXISでRCAやオランダのDesgin Academyの授業の様子を見て、自分もこれをやろうと決心したという感じです。

Jasper Morrison氏の事務所で働いていた時期がありますが、一緒に仕事をする前と後で、デザインに対する考え方に変化はありましたか。


その後ご自身の事務所を設立し、2015年にE&Yからスツール「MOON」を発表しました。 機能が多い家電とは異なり、要素の少ないスツールですが、「MOON」をデザインをする際に重視した点や、家具のデザインと家電のデザインにおけるプロセスの違いなどを教えてください。

安く作るためもあって、スツールは簡便な作りのものが少なくありません。 設置が安定する3本脚に、しっかりとした造りを併せると、これまでに無い使い方のできるスツールになると考えました。

使い方や技術が日々変わる家電やテクノロジー関連のデザインでは都度ゼロスタートで最適な形態を目指します。 対して家具やプリミティブな日用品などのデザインでは、日々の生活の中で観察と考察を繰り返し、そういった「ネタ」の蓄積が元になることが多いと思います。



様々な場所で学び、家電や家具など数多くデザインを手掛られておりますが、 これまでのキャリアを踏まえて、今後やっていきたいことがあればお聞かせください。




大学での教育にも関わっているため、学生さんや若いデザイナーと日々コミュニケーションを取っています。 彼らの若い可能性と希望や思いに触れるにつけ、期待しかありません。 まだ見ぬ良いデザインを生み出して欲しいし、より良い生活の実現に貢献して欲しいと願っています。

Sosuke Nakabo - INTERVIEW

Product designer Sousuke Nakabo has worked in-house, in overseas offices, as his own studio and as an associate professor at a university.
He has been active as a designer in a wide range of fields. We spoke to Mr Nakabo, who has experienced different positions, about design from different perspectives.

What sparked your interest in design, and who or what influenced you?

From a fairly young age, I have been making my own things that I wanted. This hasn't changed even now. I started by copying things that already existed, and then I started making things that didn't exist.
I think the original experiences were supercars, Gundams and foreign-made fishing tackle that I admired in magazines.
There are many designers I like, but Jasper Morrison in particular has had a big influence on me.

HARDY fishing tackle

You studied product design at university and after graduation you worked for a consumer electronics manufacturer, of the various types of product design jobs in the industry, such as household goods, home appliances, interior products and automobiles, why did you choose to work for a home appliance manufacturer?

From designing cars, my interest in designing various things around me expanded, and by the time I was thinking about finding a job, I wanted to be involved in a variety of products without being confined to a specific field.
I tried not only home appliance manufacturers, but also game equipment manufacturers, design companies, fishing tackle and bicycle parts manufacturers (not so many, lol), and as a result I got a good response from a home appliance manufacturer.

Appliances are definitely part of my background now, but I didn't aim for it.
Rather than building up a career in a planned way, I think it is more a case of accepting the situation and adapting to the flow as it comes, experiencing it in various ways, and realising that it is unique.

You have since been studying at a university abroad, Can you tell us about any events that triggered your re-learning and your thoughts at the time?

While still at university, I decided that I needed to study abroad in order to be involved in high-quality work abroad, such as in carrozzeria (automobile design workshops) in Italy.
I remember seeing the magazine CAR STYLING introduce the graduation projects of the Art Center in the USA and the RCA in the UK at the right time of year, and being amazed at the high level of the work.
It was like I saw the classes at the RCA and the Desgin Academy in the Netherlands in the design magazine AXIS and decided to do this myself.

You worked in Jasper Morrison's office for a period of time - did your approach to design change before and after working with him?

Everything has changed dramatically - the way I think about design, the way I think about my day-to-day life, the way I think about my work.
My experience of studying and working in the UK has greatly influenced me as a Japanese product designer.
Working with Jasper has been exciting, fun and extremely rewarding.

He then set up his own firm and launched the stool MOON from E&Y in 2015. Unlike appliances, which have many functions, the stool has few elements. What were the key points you focused on when designing the MOON, and how does the process differ between furniture design and appliance design?

Many stools are simply made, partly because they are cheap to make. We thought that if we combined a stable three-legged stool with a solid construction, we could create a stool that could be used in ways that have never been possible before.
The structure of the three thick legs fixed to the seat was considered and that shape was achieved.

In the design of household appliances and technology-related products, where usage and technology change on a daily basis, we aim to achieve the optimum form by starting from scratch each time. In contrast, the design of furniture and primitive everyday items is often based on repeated observation and consideration in daily life and the accumulation of such 'stories'.
However, the process is not very different when it comes to designing any object.

For the Kanagawa Prefectural Library's main building, which opened in September 2022, Nakabo worked primarily on reading tables, chairs, and stools, as well as outdoor furniture.
The photo shows a model of a chair designed by Nakabo and a sketch of the lighting.

Click here to read about the project at the Kanagawa Prefectural Library's main building.

You have studied in various places and have worked on numerous designs, including appliances and furniture, based on your career to date, is there anything you would like to do in the future?

This is something I have been thinking about for a long time - I want to work better and live better.
Although there were times when I thought there was no more quality work in Jasper's office, my goal now is to improve the quality of my own design work and continue to design better and better.

Nakabo's office.

You may have opportunities to work with students who want to become designers, but from your perspective as a person who has been involved in design in various capacities, how do you expect the students studying design in Japan today to perform in the future?

As I am also involved in education at universities, I communicate with students and young designers on a daily basis. As I come into contact with their young potential, hopes and aspirations, I have nothing but high hopes for them. We want them to create good designs that have not yet been seen and we hope that they will contribute to a better life.